Tree of Trees

The Tree of Trees in Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee served as the centerpiece of 2,800 beacons lit up in tribute to the Queen.  The sculpture’s component parts — 350 British-grown trees — will ultimately be planted in communities across the UK, creating an enduring Platinum Jubilee legacy and inspiring future generations.

The Tree of Trees is the perfect symbol of the UK’s leadership and resilience under Queen Elizabeth. It honors Her Majesty’s personal history of planting trees around the world — more than 1,500 trees, in fact, an average of one about every other week for seven decades. It symbolizes the nation’s strong and enduring roots and the democratic freedoms that have grown from it. And it also celebrates the UK’s strong commitment to climate action and sustainability

Her Majesty The Queen’s Green Canopy is successfully rallying charitable partners, schools, community groups and individuals in a mass tree-planting project. So far, Brits have planted more than one million trees.


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